Anyways during one of my packing breaks - I browsed some travel blogs and stumbled across one that really resonated with me( Even though we are different people and have never met each other, this girl was able to put into words the emotions I felt when I moved from away Chicago - and I quote:
"This trip has been a huge sacrifice for me. I have gained so much but in exchange I had to walk away from love.
The irony of me breaking up with my boyfriend to travel is that he was the only one who never questioned why I had to go. He understood and I never needed to explain.
But because human emotions are complicated he was both proud of me for going and resented me for leaving. In return I loved him for encouraging me to go and resenting him for not insisting that I stay."
Wow just wow. Even though my previous relationship did not end because I wanted to travel-there were so many bigger and overarching reasons- the emotions I felt when I was leaving were the same as she wrote. I have found a kindred spirit. We are not so alone afterall :)
This post is for all the beautiful people in my traveling life. Its not "Goodbye", but rather "Until we meet again." Thank you for understanding me, for supporting me, for not trying to change me. Thank you for loving me for the imperfect, passionate and curious soul that I am.